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Friday, January 29, 2010

Some recipies to try

Jerky is such an easy thing to make in your dehydrator or oven. It is relatively easy to pick up an extra roast on sale or even hamburger each week. I like making jerky out of hamburger. It makes the jerky easier to chew for children or older folks with teeth issues. Just shape the burger into patties after mixing in spices. Yumm!
To Prepare Jerky
First prepare the meat. Slice it evenly, and not much thicker than 1/4 inch. If you are doing this in your kitchen and not on the trail, freeze it for awhile until it is firm. This trick makes it much easier to slice thinly. The thicker it is the tougher it is, the longer it takes to dry, and the more chance it has to mold or go bad. Either soak the meat in a fairly strong brine, a cup of salt to a quart of water, for ten or fifteen minutes, or give it a light, even sprinkle of salt and let it sit a bit. A good dusting of black pepper or red chile is also nice, and keeps off bugs. If the weather is dry and cool, you can just hang the jerky in a sheltered spot where a bit of breeze can get to it and it will be well dried in a few days. If you live where it is damp and warm, dry your jerky on racks over a low, smoky fire. It can also be done quite nicely on racks in an oven, set to the lowest possible heat. Jerky is done when it is dark brown and the texture of old, dry shoe leather. Don't let it become gray or crackly dry. Jerky without grease in it will keep for a long, long time in airtight bags.
I personally Love Pemmican. I have had the good fortune of making some wonderful friends who are Lakota people. Through them I have the chance to try a lot of their historically staple recipes.
To make Pemmican, take a good handful of jerky and beat it to a pulp on a rock. You can also use a food processor. Add an equal quantity of good softened fat, either bear or beef is excellent, and a good handful of dry fruit or berries. Mash all together well with a bit of salt, form into small bars and let sit for a bit. Wrap in large leaves or aluminum foil. This is about as compact and nutritious as 2012 survival / trail food gets. It furnishes lots of energy, and you can live for extended periods on it with little else for food.
Both Jerky and Pemmican can be eaten by themselves, or you can add to stews or soups. They are both extremely nutritious, and valuable additions to your survival stash. They are easy to store and carry. If you live where there is game for the taking, this is as close to free food as you can get.
Here is an "old timer" recipe for making homemade yeast for your bread. What happens if the stores are closed or they are out of food or you've gone through what you've stored up?

Place one pint of hops in a cloth bag and boil for a couple of hours in a gallon of water.
Peel and slice a gallon of potatoes and boil with the hops for another hour.
Pour the liquid over a pint of flour.
Add mashed potatoes, a cup of salt, one of sugar and three spoonfuls of ginger. The yeast should be kept covered and in a cool place. I found this recipe Here: http://www.dorothygarlock.com/Recipes/recipe9.htm#Yeast
Sunflower Bannock(Missiiagan-Pakwejigan)(Fried)
3 1/4 cups sunflower seeds
3 1/4 cups water
2 1/2 tsp salt
6 tbsp corn flour
2/3 cup corn oil
Put the sunflower seeds, water and salt into a pot, cover and let simmer for 11/2 hours. When well cooked, crush the seeds to make a paste. Add the corn flour, 1 tbsp at a time to thicken. Work with your hands; cool a little.
Make small, flat pancakes of approximately 5 inches in diameter. Heat oil and fry both sides, adding more oil if necessary. Drain well and eat. These are wonderful.
- Exported from MasterCook site here: http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/rsi/fnb/FNB.htm#sunflower
Basic Bannock Recipe(Fried or Stick-cooked)
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
3 tbsp margarine/butter
2 tbsp skim milk powder (optional)
Sift together the dry ingredients. Cut in the margarine until the mixture resembles a coarse meal (at this point it can be sealed it in a zip lock bag for field use). Grease and heat a frying pan. Working quickly, add enough COLD water to the pre-packaged dry mix to make a firm dough. Once the water is thoroughly mixed into the dough, form the dough into cakes about 1/2 inch thick. Dust the cakes lightly with flour to make them easier to handle. Lay the bannock cakes in the warm frying pan. Hold them over the heat, rotating the pan a little. Once a bottom crust has formed and the dough has hardened enough to hold together, you can turn the bannock cakes. Cooking takes 12-15 minutes. If you are in the field and you don’t have a frying pan, make a thicker dough by adding less water and roll the dough into a long ribbon (no wider than 1 inch). Wind this around a preheated green, hardwood stick and cook about 8 inches over a fire, turning occasionally, until the bannock is cooked.
Keep on Preppin Folks!

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1 comment:

Gen-IL Homesteader said...

We love our homemade jerky! The rest of our recipes look great. I'm going to have to print them off for future reference. I'm especially interested in the yeast and sunflower bannock.

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