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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Items to have in your "Bug out" Back pack-part 4

Here is a complete list of what is in our survival packs. I have kept it to a minimum while trying to make it comprehensive without weighting a couple tons! When you first try to put together this type of "Bug Out" bag, at least for me, it was tough to not end up with a pack that was just too heavy to carry. My personal belief is if we need to hit the trail with our bags than I felt we needed to have basics for health and survival that we could not replace. These include things like a solar colloidal Silver maker, a comprehensive med kit, solar battery charger with rechargeable batteries. A water purifier, gas masks and Potassium Iodide if we have any nuclear fallout. At a minimum, you need a way to stay dry, cook food as well as the know how to trap, hunt and fish and Dr. yourself. This is what I've attempted to cover with these packs.
Bug Out Backpack Contents:
*“Survival” Containers (as discussed in earlier post)
*Fire Starters-Cotton balls & Vaseline
*Detailed map of area
*Heat Sheets/survival blanket
*Bar soap
*Nail clippers
*Small compact mirror
*Tri-pod flashlight
*Head lamp flashlight
*Small container of baby wipes-homemade
*Roll of fishing line
*Change of clothes
*Para cord
*Super absorbent pack towel
*Super strong Gaffer tape
*Kitchen items
*Camp plate, utensils & metal lined coffee cup with lid
*Camelback for carrying water
*Rain suit
*Fillet knife
*Multi tool knife
*Folding shovel
*Bic lighters but also magnesium fire starter.
*Solar Spark (a pocket sized metal convex solar lighter)
*2 different types of pocket saws
*Small binoculars (I bought these before I had a scope but still use them because they are small and compact)
*First Need XL water purifier
*Solar Battery charger with extra rechargeable batteries
*Solar Emergency radio
*2 Reference books: 1. Essential Wild Food Survival Guide by Linda Runyon and 2.Wilderness Living & Survival Skills by John & Geri McPherson
*Food: Chia seeds, Wasna, Jerky and dehydrated food for a couple weeks.
Heirloom seeds for garden/growing our own food.

Med Kit Contents:
*Nutmeg & honey mixture for diarrhea
*Grapefruit seed extract
*Solar Colloidal Silver generator & a small green bottle for making it in
*Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Tylenol PM,
*Charcoal Caps for food poisoning
*Variety of needles & Thread for sewing clothes
*Curved needles for stitching up cuts
*Surgical blades, Scissors, tourniquet
*Thermometer with a replacement battery
*Iodine for skin antiseptic
*Triple antibiotic ointment
*Gauze and bandages of various sizes
*Various herb capsules and Tinctures for pain, swelling, fever etc.
*Gas mask and Potassium Iodide in case of nuclear fallout
I made my "baby wipes" by buying a container of baby wipes and some terry cloth. I cut the cloth into appropriate size to fit the container, sewed up the edges so they don't unravel and folded them to fit the baby wipes container. Now I have reusable face, body, wash cloths. I feel personally that ANY situation can be dealt with better if we can at least wipe our brow and wash our hands!
Another thing I have listed, is a solar fire started called a Solar Spark. You can buy it here: http://store.sundancesolar.com/sospliposiso.html I really like it. I think it is easier than the magnesium fire starter. So on sunny days I prefer to use this.
The nutmeg and honey I listed for diarrhea, is my grandfathers herbal recipe. Just about 1/4 tsp with a glass of water is always seems to stop it very quickly.
That's about it. If any of you have any other ideas please drop me a note!
Keep on preppin!

News of the day:
Banks shut in Fla., Mo., NM, Ore., Wash.
Bin Laden wording 'indicator' of upcoming attack:
Call For Immediate Arrest of 5 Supreme Court Justices for Treason
70-year gag on Kelly death evidence
IRA & 401k Theft Plotted by US Government
Vaccination Without Doctor Approval In a US Hospital http://www.medicalvoices.org/vaccination/articles/vaccination-without-doctor-approval-in-a-us-hospital.html
SEC mulled national security status for AIG http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE60N1S220100124
White House nightmare persists
Prepare Now to Escape Obama’s Retirement Trap
What 'skeptics' really believe about vaccines, medicine, consciousness and the universe
Chavez and the Russian Fleet: U.S. Used “Earthquake Weapon” On Haiti
PharmaMedia to Squelch EU Council’s Secret Investigation into H1N1 Vaccine Fraud and Global Genocide
Mobilize Now to Oust Bernanke as Fed Chair
Scientist admits IPCC used fake data to pressure policy makers
Watchdog groups warn: ‘Corporate globalization’ of US elections is upon us
Ex-Malaysian premier still says 9/11 inside job
CCTV in the sky: police plan to use military-style spy drones


LuciferWar said...

I been following your bug-out bag posts Opie, they are excellent. Truly very well done. Great work.

Outraged Patriot said...

Thank you very much Joel. I know so many people that don't have a plan like this and don't know what to pack! It amazes me how many folks don't know even basic survival skills. My goal with these posts was to give all my friends a blue print to follow so they can get started putting together their own bags. Thanks for stoppin by!

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