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Friday, March 13, 2009

The most uplifting news I've heard in a long time...

Howdy folks,
I heard today about a group of people, law enforcement and military, that have started a sort of crusade. Please check it out here: http://oath-keepers.blogspot.com/2009/03/oath-keepers-declaration-of-orders-we.html This is such great news for all of us. The media and the times we are living in tend to isolate us and encourage a sort of fear or dread about both the police and military. Everyone I know, including myself honestly, has a sense of mistrust about what they will do if the NWO banksters actually try to enforce their plan. Will they go along with it? I am sure that some will, like all the poor sheeple, but these folks won't! Pass this on to all your
Military and Peace Keeper friends.
Knowledge is power!
Pass it on!

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